Em chord (E minor)

Em (or E minor) chord is one of the easiest chords to play on guitar.

E minor chord guitar diagram
Em chord guitar diagram

Let’s first look at some facts about Em, and then I will show you finger position for it.

What is Em chord

Em is a simple triad that follows standard minor chord formula (1-b3-5) and consists of E, G and B notes.

  • Chord formula: 1 – b3 – 5
  • Chord notes: E – G – B
  • Alternative names: Em, Emin, E−
  • Common functions:
    • i-chord in E minor key
    • iii-chord in C major key
    • vi-chord in G major key

How to play Em chord

Finger position for Em doesn’t require much explanation. I tend to place my 3rd (ring) finger first for most chords. You don’t have to do the same, but see if there is a leading finger that works better for you.

Take care to keep your thumb behind the neck, and don’t let it come up too much.

Remember that your left hand should always be slightly curved having a feeling of holding a ball. Make sure to apply pressure to the neck from the front and back with the fingers. Don’t tightly grasp the neck with your whole hand. It might seem easier to play that way, but it will limit your range of motion, and will make it harder to switch between the chords easily.

Playing chord progressions with Em

You should have no trouble with playing Em by itself, so you can move to playing chord progressions with rather quickly.

Practice playing chord changes like this:

  • G-Em-G-Em (I-iii-I-iii) – notice how it feel like the music is not moving anywhere because there is no tension between the chords there
  • Try and throw C and D chords into the mix.