If you are in any way serious about learning to play guitar you are probably wondering if you should memorize every note on the fretboard. Memorizing all the notes on the fretboard was by far the best thing I did when I was learning to play. It is a must if you are considering to become a professional guitar player, but will also be very … Continue reading Should you Memorize Every Note on the Fretboard?

Blank fretboard diagrams are a great tool for anyone learning the notes on the ukulele. Here you can download free printable blank ukulele fretboard diagrams. Use them often to test your fretboard knowledge as well as record your musical ideas and findings (e.g. good sounding chords). There are 2 versions of the diagrams available: a 12-fret and an 18-fret. Download free blank guitar fretboard diagrams … Continue reading Blank Ukulele Fretboard Diagrams

Are you looking for printable guitar fretboard notes diagrams? You came to the right place! Below you will find several options of free printable PDF guitar fretboard note diagrams. Guitar fretboard notes diagram This version of guitar fretboard notes diagrams shows all diatonic (no sharps and flats) notes. There is a larger 12 fret section on top and a full 24 fret diagram right under … Continue reading Guitar Fretboard Notes PDF

G major is one of the most popular keys in music. It is one of the first keys you should learn if you are starting to learn to guitar because chords in they key of G are fairly easy to play. Let’s look at the chords in the key of G major in more detail! Chords in the key of G major (open position) Here … Continue reading Guitar chords in the key of G major

So you got yourself a guitar (or thinking of getting one) and wondering how long will it take to learn to play? A week, a month, a year? How long does it really take to learn to play a guitar? What is the best way to learn? In 3 months of consistent practice on the guitar you can expect to learn to play simple songs … Continue reading How to Learn to Play Guitar in 3 Months

Learning fretboard notes on a ukulele might seem like a daunting task, after all there are 76 notes (4 strings and 19 notes on each) you can play on the uke. In reality, many of the notes on the fretboard repeat across the neck, meaning you can play exactly the same note in several different places. We will see how it works later. For now, … Continue reading Ukulele Fretboard Notes and How to Learn Them Quickly

Blank printable ukulele chord charts come handy when you are learning your way around ukulele fretboard. You can use blank chord charts to test your chord knowledge, or write down chords for a song your are learning. Blank charts are also great as you can test your chord and fretboard knowledge even when your uke is not around. Here you can download several different versions … Continue reading Blank ukulele chord charts [free printable PDF]
Legato is a way of playing where notes smoothly transition from one to the other. The way to play legato on the guitar is by using hammer-ons and pull-offs with your fretting hand instead of plucking every individual note. Legato 3 Notes per String Scales Great way to work on the legato technique is to play 3 note per string scales in different positions. Here … Continue reading Legato Exercises for Guitar
Working out is not just for athletes. Musicians in general and guitar players in specific have to workout as well to keep their fingers and hands limber and strong. I’ll show you simple chromatic finger exercises (sometimes also called “spider walk exercises”) that have been used by generations of guitar players. Perhaps it is single best way to warm up and develop dexterity in your … Continue reading 5 Chromatic Finger Dexterity Exercises for Guitar

It seems like most guitar lessons focus a lot on the fretting hand. But you can hardly play guitar without well develop picking hand. Here is a little etude for the picking hand warm up. This exercise surves double purpose. It helps warm up the picking hand, but also works as a great review of the major scale harmonization. The exercise comes down to playing 3 note arpeggios … Continue reading Picking hand warm up ideas