In this article we will look at an E chord. We will learn a bit about theory behind the E major chord, and will look at the most common finger position for it.

About E major chord
Here are some facts about E chord
- Chord formula: 1 – 3 – 5
- Chord notes: E – G# – B
- Alternative names: EM, EMa, Emaj, EΔ
- Common functions:
- I-chord in E major key
- IV-chord in G major key
- V-chord in A major key
How to play E chord
E major shape looks identical to Am except it is used one string higher. You shouldn’t have any troubles playing it, just make sure that you apply good pressure both with your fretting fingers as well as the thumb behind the neck.
Practicing chord changes with E major chord
Since E chord is so similar to Am it is a good idea to practice just that: E-Am-E.
Also try going from E to A to E, and then E to A to B to E. This is a proper I-IV-V-I chord progression in the key of E.