Ab (A flat) major is also called G# (G sharp) major chord.

About Ab major chord
Let’s start with some music theory facts about Ab chord
- Chord formula: 1 – 3 – 5
- Chord notes: Ab – Cb – Eb
- Alternative names:
- AbM, AbMa, Abmaj, AbΔ
- G#M, G#Ma, G#maj, G#Δ
- Common functions:
- I-chord in Ab major key
- V-chord in Db major key
- IV-chord in Eb major key
How to play Ab major chord
Ab major is a tricky one to play. The chord shape is a lot like open string G chord, but it requires some serious stretching because of the need to play barre with an index finger.
Nice thing about it is it is a movable shape so you can use it for many others chords up and down the neck. In fact, you might want to practice it lower down the neck first to get a gist of the awkward finger position.