Are you looking for printable guitar fretboard notes diagrams? You came to the right place! Below you will find several options of free printable PDF guitar fretboard note diagrams.
Guitar fretboard notes diagram
This version of guitar fretboard notes diagrams shows all diatonic (no sharps and flats) notes.
There is a larger 12 fret section on top and a full 24 fret diagram right under it. I left the non-diatonic notes (notes with sharps and flats) blank so you can fill in the names if you wish.
Here is what this diagram looks like:

The chart is designed to be printed in landscape mode on letter size or A4 paper. Feel free to save and use the image above if you’d like.
Click on the link below to download a high quality guitar fretboard diagram in PDF format:
Guitar fretboard notes diagram with a learning guide
This diagram contains a 12 fret section of the fretboard and a condensed version of my fretboard learning guide. Check out the full fretboard learning guide here.
Click on the link below to download a high quality guitar fretboard diagram with the learning guide:
Hope these meet your needs. Let me know if you’d like to see a different version of a guitar fretboard diagram.
Test your fretboard knowledge with these free blank fretboard diagrams.