Blank printable ukulele chord charts come handy when you are learning your way around ukulele fretboard. You can use blank chord charts to test your chord knowledge, or write down chords for a song your are learning. Blank charts are also great as you can test your chord and fretboard knowledge even when your uke is not around.
Here you can download several different versions of free printable blank ukulele chord charts.
What is a blank ukulele chord chart
Blank ukulele chord chart is simply an empty box that represent a part of the fretboard (typically spans 5 frets). Horizontal lines represent frets and vertical lines represent strings.
Each sheet contains several of those. Here is what a 6×6 chord chart layout looks like:

The chord charts are available as PDF files and are design to be printed on plain white Letter-size paper. They will work on A4 sheets as well. These blank charts are completely free to download and use!
Download blank ukulele chord charts (printable PDF)
There are several layouts available. The templates differ by number of chord boxes on the page. I’d recommend you download and print them all and see which one works best for you!
Simple click or tap on the image below to download the template you like:
Let me know if you are having any issues downloading or printing these blank diagrams, or if you’d like a different layout!
How to use blank ukulele chord charts
There are couple ways you can use these blank ukulele chord charts.
Learn chords
If you are just a beginner learner use these charts to recall all the chords you learned so far. Simply record the name of a chord and use dots to mark the strings and frets which you’d hold to form the chord. You can use numbers instead of dots to indicate which finger is used for individual notes.
If can also pick a particular chord (say C major) and fill charts with all different positions and versions of the chord all across the neck.
Record chord progressions
You can also use these blank charts to record (or recall) a chord progression of a song you are working on. Perhaps a song you are learning to play, or a song you are composing yourself.
Looking for more charts?
I designed a number of blank printable chord charts for guitar a while ago. Check them out. Also I am adding more and more charts to this website, so check back once in a while to see if more charts are added.
Also let me know if you are looking for a particular chart, be it for ukulele or guitar, and I’ll design one just for you at no charge!