5 Chromatic Finger Dexterity Exercises for Guitar

Working out is not just for athletes. Musicians in general and guitar players in specific have to workout as well to keep their fingers and hands limber and strong. I’ll show you simple chromatic finger exercises (sometimes also called “spider walk exercises”) that have been used by generations of guitar players. Perhaps it is single best way to warm up and develop dexterity in your … Continue reading 5 Chromatic Finger Dexterity Exercises for Guitar

finger stretching guitar
Finger Stretching Exercises for guitar

Guitar players are real finger gymnasts. Without proper finger stretching and flexibility you cannot expect to reach many beautiful chord voicings. Good stretching will benefit your overall playing, so it is important to work on it regularly. Finger stretching exercises without the guitar There are some great stretching exercises that you can and should do even before you pick up the guitar. Here is an … Continue reading Finger Stretching Exercises for guitar